Current Houses for sale in Mosher Manor in Prescott, AZ.
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The most up-to-date real estate information on homes and land, prices and market value, in Mosher Manor for . Houses in Prescott AZ on the Historical Register are normally thought to be cute Victorians on Mount Vernon St, however, they can also include the adorable bungalows off Park Avenue and usually homes near downtown. For a house to be considered "historic", it must be at least 50 years old, and meet other, rigid historical criteria. Homes may not necessarily be located downtown, The Walker District, located in the high hills behind Lynx Lake, also has many historic houses. See below for more information.
Mosher Manor is a Prescott-based community and offers many features home buyers and builders can appreciate. Mosher Manor is a wonderful Prescott-based community. Mosher Manor also offers many features home buyers and builders can appreciate. The community is located on east Whetstine Ave, which is off Ruth St/Demerse. Mosher Manor borders the Yavapai Indian Reservation and is known for great views. Properties in Mosher Manor do not come on the market often. Only one home has sold in the last two years. Residents enjoy the location, that being close to Prescott High School and the Shops at the Boulders. Prices in Mosher Manor are very affordable and should be on every investor's radar. As of , prices in Mosher Manor are holding steady.
If you’re interested in vacant Land in Mosher Manor, it can be viewed by clicking here. If no lots are currently available, be sure to sign up and receive properties as soon as they hit the market! If we have the Mosher Manor CC&Rs on file, they’ll be located HERE.
Mosher Manor is a fabulous choice for home buyers and builders. Other sites claim authority on Mosher Manor, however the information is outdated by years. Our business is real estate in Prescott, and that is why you will not see advertising subsidies on our website.
Are there single family homes for sale near Mosher Manor? Yes, only single family homes are permitted in Mosher Manor.
Are condos & townhomes available for people looking for a 2nd home? No condos are currently permitted in the subdivision, however the nearby Murphy's and Fleurys Tracts have many apartments and condos.
Is Mosher Manor a gated community? No.
Do Mosher Manor residents have access to shopping? Shopping is close by at Mosher Manor. The area might be better known as Prescott Heights in regard to location. The proximity to all the community services will be the same. The local YMCA is just down the street from Mosher Manor and hosts one the most state-of-the-art facilities for health and fitness in Arizona. Local Farmer's Markets frequent the parking lot of Walgreens and across from the YMCA during the summer and fall.
How far away from downtown Prescott is Mosher Manor? About 3 Miles.
Is there a golf course with 18 holes near Mosher Manor? The nearest golf course is Prescott Lakes. The next closest public course is Antelope Hills.
What type of activities are in Mosher Manor? All that Prescott has to offer.
Is Mosher Manor family friendly? Yes, everyone loves Mosher Manor in Prescott.
I want to sell my Mosher Manor unit in Prescott, who is the best realtor to represent me? Why Matt & Melinda White, of course! Call us today for the best service in the Quad-City area!
Prescott Fire Department
1700 W Iron Springs Rd
Prescott, AZ 86305
(928) 777-1700
Prescott Police Department
222 S Marina St
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 777-1900
Yavapai Regional Medical Center-West
1003 Willow Creek Rd
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 445-2700
Prescott City Parks & Rec
824 E Gurley St
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 777-1122
Prescott Public Works Department
433 N Virginia St
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 777-1130
Prescott Animal Control Center
222 S Marina St
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 777-1135
Select the community name BELOW the photo for all available homes. Click the photo for details on that property. No Photo means no available homes are for sale.
Matt White Realtor® - SRS, CMRS
140 N Montezuma St, Ste 201, Prescott Arizona 86301
Phone. 928.224.8531
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All Prescott still images are copyright of Prescott Arizona | Use without permission is prohibited. | 140 N Montezuma St, Ste 201, Prescott Arizona 86301. Views, articles, content, videos, or posts do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Homesmart Fine Homes And Land. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. If you're currently working with another Realtor, forgive our aggressive marketing attempts, we feel your Prescott home deserves promotion. However, we would never attempt to solicit business from you under those circumstances.