Current Houses for sale in Prescott Downtown in Prescott, AZ.
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The most up-to-date real estate information on homes and land, prices and market value, in Prescott Downtown for . Downtown Prescott is the ultimate destination of almost every resident in the region. Locals in this truly unique town in American history still breath the dusty air kicked up by cowboys like Doc Holiday 135 years ago at the Palace Bar. Locals love Prescott's small-town atmosphere, it really is "Everybody's Hometown!" Situated 5,300ft above sea level, downtown Prescott is nestled in America's largest stand of Ponderosa Pine forest. It's central location in the state allow fast travel to any corner within 5 hours. Prescott is also home to the World's Oldest Rodeo, the Acker Musical Showcase, Summer At the Plaza, and the annual holiday Courthouse Lighting.
Prescott Downtown is a Prescott-based community and offers many features home buyers and builders can appreciate. Downtown Prescott is a region comprising some of the oldest neighborhoods in the town. Believe it or not, many of the historic homes are still kept in excellent shape thanks to residents with a vision and love for one of America's top retirement destinations. Prescott has been voted in the top ten places to live in the U.S. so many times, it's hard to keep track. Money Magazine, People, Forbes, etc...Have all voted Prescott not only a top destination for hikers, but for families and retirees. Prescott has 7 golf courses, 7 lakes, and 7 mountain icons. It is truly a blessed an unique location. Prescott's golf courses include Antelope Hills, Talking Rock, Stoneridge, Quailwood, Prescott Country Club, Stoneridge, and Hassayampa. Prescott's 7 larger lakes include Watson Lake, Willow Lake, Upper Goldwater Lake, Lower Goldwater Lake, Fain Lake, Granite Basin Lake, and Lynx Lake. Prescott's 7 mountain icons are Granite Mountain, Mingus Mountain, Spruce Mountain, the "P" Mountain, Glassford Hill (or Bawldy Mountain), The Bradshaw Mountains, and Prescott's most iconic, Thumb Butte.
Prescott is well known for Historic Whiskey Row located right downtown. This easy-going kick back atmosphere draws tourists from all over the state to bask in the cool breeze of the Courthouse Plaza or to dance at the notorious Palace Bar and Grille. Prescott was also a historic Route 66 destination back in the day because of its proximity to I-40. Those taking a detour down the world-renown Oak Creek Pass into Sedona from 66 would inevitably drive over Mingus Mountain, through Arizona's mountainside ghost-town, Jerome, and into Prescott proper. After a night's stay at the Hassayampa Inn, Hotel Vendome, or Hotel St. Michaels, it was a quick 45 minute drive back up to Ashfork to pick up where they left off.
The annual courthouse lighting is a holiday extravaganza you don't want to miss! Thousands gather on the courthouse lawn, singing Christmas carols together alongside hundreds of school children on the courthouse steps finally to witness the flip of the switch. In 2013, this strange white material started falling out of the sky during the singing of Christmas Carols! Everyone was in awe as snow fell in large flakes for at least an hour during the entire was magical.
The Acker Musical Showcase is also a Holiday event not to miss. The streets downtown are blocked off around the courthouse plaza as tens of thousands swamp the local businesses to hear musicians and bands share their talents. The courthouse is lit by this time, and thousands gather in the streets to greet each a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holiday.
Halloween is also a treat for locals in the downtown Prescott district. Be sure to check out Mt. Vernon St. where thousands of locals swarm the old Victorian homes up and down the street for 3 blocks to trick or treat a tradition which started in the late 70's. We know... because we lived one street over, and we were there.
How about some Jazz on the Plaza during the summer nights? How about square dancing on the Plaza? How about movie night or talent night on the Plaza? All of these events occur during the summer months in downtown Prescott. If it's too much to handle, take a break and head over to the Marino's Mob Burger for a beer or a quick treat. There's always something going on in Downtown Prescott, AZ. As of , prices in Prescott Downtown are holding steady.
If you’re interested in vacant Land in Prescott Downtown, it can be viewed by clicking here. If no lots are currently available, be sure to sign up and receive properties as soon as they hit the market! If we have the Prescott Downtown CC&Rs on file, they’ll be located HERE.
Downtown Prescott, AZ community features and amenities
Downtown Prescott is not a subdivision, it's a section of town surrounding the courthouse plaza. From Park St. to Arizona St. is considered "downtown". Some may say Mt. Vernon to Park St. is "downtown". But it all depends on one's definition. Ken Lindley Field used to be considered "downtown" during the 70's and 80's due to all the action occurring at the park during the summer softball season. The definition of downtown was literally from the Armory to the Courthouse. The Prescott Armory was a indoor basketball court equipped with locker room and showers. It also doubled as offices and storage for the city. Next to the Armory was a pair of Tennis Courts backed by the Parks and Rec building and the Smoki Museum behind. Just across Arizona Street is Ken Lindley Field, now equipped with Prescott's skateboard park.
Downtown Prescott has many restaurants and entertainment venues. The Plaza itself is the largest venue for entertainment with concerts, political guests, town events, and church events. Whiskey Row is actually a street to the west of the courthouse plaza named Montezuma. There you'll find the Palace Restaurant, Matt's Saloon, The St. Michaels Hotel and restaurant (equipped with "The Alley"), along with quaint shops and art galleries. The Alley is a unique "hallway" built into the side of the St. Michael's Hotel. Cobblestone and brick walls line the gas lamp lit interior where you'll find some of Prescott's most eclectic shops. Gurley St. borders the Plaza to the north with Bashford Courts, a local indoor mall with more eclectic flare and now, Brownbag Burger (used to be The Prescott Brewing Company.) More shops line Gurley St. like the Lone Spur Cafe, and several clothing and shoe stores. To the east is Cortez St. Cortez is dominated on one corner by the First Baptist Church and on the other by an old, historic bank which converted into The Spice & Tea Exchange of Prescott. Tara Thai is now a staple in downtown Prescott on Cortez along with a new burger joint where Kendall's used to reside, Marino's Mob Burger. Watch this scene from the movie Billy Jack to view downtown Prescott in 1971. Some of the key takeaways and hidden gems are: the statue on the fountain (which was missing for many years, but is now back), the rotating temperature clock on top of the drugstore is missing (came later), when the sheriff exits the police car, the location is not downtown Prescott!
The south block of the plaza is Goodwin Street where the old Post Office still exists and the Chamber of Commerce. The empty lot next door is used for small events from time to time. Other sites claim authority on Prescott Downtown, however the information is outdated by years. Our business is real estate in Prescott, and that is why you will not see advertising subsidies on our website.
Are there single family homes for sale near Prescott Downtown? Downtown Prescott has many homes for sale in the historic districts as well as up and down the streets north and south of Gurley St. Buyers should focus on the streets from Penn St to Park Ave (east to west), and Moeller St. to Leroux (north to south). This area encompasses both the Mt. Vernon district and all the neighborhoods with duplexes, apartments, patio homes, old Victorian homes, Adobe-Style houses, contemporary homes, and more. Living in Downtown Prescott is affordable compared to other cities in the U.S. Prescott's cost-of-living is below the national average. 2014 1st quarter figures for Prescott came in at 98.5% vs. the national average of 100%. Flagstaff topped off the chart as the most expensive place to live in Arizona at 115%, beating Scottsdale at 113%.
Are condos & townhomes available for people looking for a 2nd home? Downtown Prescott has a variety of home styles available.
Is Prescott Downtown a gated community? Fortunately, downtown Prescott has not been gated off. Let freedom reign!
Do Prescott Downtown residents have access to shopping? Shopping is close by in downtown Prescott. Local shops and markets line the streets and local coffee shops abound. Grocery stores are within walking distance wit Albertson's being the nearest on Sheldon St and Montezuma.
How far away from downtown Prescott is Prescott Downtown? Let's see, downtown Prescott is about 0 miles from downtown Prescott. In fact, we would say you're standing in it. If you happen to be downtown, and you don't know where you are, give us a call and maybe we can help direct you! ☺︎
Is there a golf course with 18 holes near Prescott Downtown? The nearest golf course to downtown Prescott is the Hassayampa Golf Club. Next would be Prescott Lakes followed by Antelope Hills.
What type of activities are in Prescott Downtown? Cruising in your lifted monster truck and throwing water balloons. Just kidding, although these were popular past-time activities. Many residents love to walk around the courthouse and visit some of the local shops and art galleries, although this also tends to be a tourist activity, which in part keeps some locals away. Personally, I still love to walk around the old neighborhoods where I grew up, then maybe grab a bit to eat downtown at The County Seat, Bistro St. Michael, or the lounge at the Hassayampa. People love to attend the arts & crafts festivals on the courthouse lawn and take photos at the Palace Bar & Grill.
Is Prescott Downtown family friendly?
Be sure to get in contact with the most proficient REALTOR® in Prescott for knowledge and information about what area fits your needs as a home buyer or builder. Call Matt at 928-224-8531. No pressure easy going and friendly. Matt grew up in downtown Prescott and honestly, nobody knows the area better.
I want to sell my house near downtown Prescott, who is the best realtor to represent me? Why Matt & Melinda White, of course! Matt grew up downtown and knows the area like the back of his hand! With a website generating 1.2 million hits a month, your house will get maximum exposure. Call us today for the best service in the Quad-City area!
Prescott Fire Department
1700 W Iron Springs Rd
Prescott, AZ 86305
(928) 777-1700
Prescott Police Department
222 S Marina St
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 777-1900
Yavapai Regional Medical Center-West
1003 Willow Creek Rd
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 445-2700
Prescott City Parks & Rec
824 E Gurley St
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 777-1122
Prescott Public Works Department
433 N Virginia St
Prescott, AZ 86301
(928) 777-1130
Prescott Animal Control Center
222 S Marina St
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 777-1135
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Matt White Realtor® - SRS, CMRS
140 N Montezuma St, Ste 201, Prescott Arizona 86301
Phone. 928.224.8531
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All Prescott still images are copyright of Prescott Arizona | Use without permission is prohibited. | 140 N Montezuma St, Ste 201, Prescott Arizona 86301. Views, articles, content, videos, or posts do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Homesmart Fine Homes And Land. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. If you're currently working with another Realtor, forgive our aggressive marketing attempts, we feel your Prescott home deserves promotion. However, we would never attempt to solicit business from you under those circumstances.